July 5, 2023 Water Use in Egypt Over the next two decades, there will be a huge increase in the demand for water across all three sectors: industry, household and agriculture. Although household and industrial demand will increase …
June 5, 2023 Water Use and Quality in Israel Studies show that by 2065, total water demand will rise to 3.8 BCM (0.8%), 4.9 BCM (1.6%) and 6.2 BCM (2%) under respective low, medium and high …
May 2, 2017 COCOON Planting Technology to Grow Trees in Palestine In 2016, Fanack, Land Life Company (LLC) and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) initiated a pilot project to bring the innovative COCOON …
Water Use in Lebanon Published on July 27, 2022 water shortage is a significant problem that affects the country as a whole as well as particular sectors and water users. Different estimates put the water use … In this article: Lebanon | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation
Water Use in Jordan Published on June 2, 2022 Competition between the agricultural, domestic and industrial sectors is strong and growing, especially as demand continues to increase and the availability of … In this article: Jordan | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation
Water Use in Sudan Published on August 31, 2021 There are no official data on the total water use in Sudan by sector or region, and data collected by international institutions and United Nations’ (UN) … In this article: Sudan | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation
Water Use in Iran Published on August 9, 2021 In the year to date, the total agricultural, municipal and industrial water withdrawal has been about 100BCM, of which 41BCM from surface water, 58.8BCM from … In this article: Iran | Water Use | Agriculture - Water Scarcity
Water Use in Qatar Published on August 9, 2021 Agricultural water use in Qatar ranges between 37% and 40% of the total water resources and is used for the production of local crops, which meet only 8% of the … In this article: Qatar | Water Use | Agriculture
Water Use in KSA Published on June 28, 2021 Urban water use in KSA in 2019 was 3,493 MCM/yr, of which 2,897.5 MCM/yr was consumed by the domestic sector and 595.4 MCM/yr by the commercial sector. The main … In this article: Saudi-Arabia | Water Use | Agriculture
Water Use in Kuwait Published on December 24, 2020 Kuwait’s water consumption is among the highest in the world, with per capita consumption averaging 447 litres per day.[1] Figure 1 shows total water use in … In this article: Kuwait | Water Use | Agriculture - Desalination
Water Use in Libya Published on August 25, 2020 Water consumption in Libya is rising as a result of population increase, urbanisation and improving economic conditions. In addition, irrigated agriculture is … In this article: Libya | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation
Water Use in Tunisia Published on March 4, 2020 Agriculture is the sector with by far the largest consumptive water use and withdrawal. Irrigation requirements are highly variable from year to year, depending … In this article: Tunisia | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation
Water Use in Bahrain Published on January 15, 2020 Figure 2 illustrates agricultural water consumption for the period 1979-2010. The sharp drop in agricultural water consumption (starting from 1998) In this article: Bahrain | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation - Wastewater
Water Use in Yemen Published on December 10, 2019 In 1990, total water use in Yemen was 2,799 MCM/yr. In 2010, it was 3,970 MCM/yr. Since availability is declining and the population is increasing, Yemen may … In this article: Yemen | Water Use | Agriculture - Water Scarcity
Water Use in Algeria Published on July 30, 2019 Despite the agricultural sector being the largest water consumer in Algeria, about 59 % of the total water use in Algeria , it makes a minimal contribution to … In this article: Algeria | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation
Water Use in Syria Published on March 22, 2019 agriculture is the dominant water consumer, with 87% of all water use, and hence the major contributor to the current deficit in the water balance, which has … In this article: Syria | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation
Water Use in Oman Published on May 7, 2018 Agriculture consumes 1,546 MCM/yr (83% of total use), drinking water 196 MCM/yr and industrial consumption is 130 MCM/yr, totalling 1,872 MCM/yr. This … In this article: Oman | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation
Water Use in UAE Published on October 17, 2017 Irrigated agriculture is the primary water consumer, with an average of around 60% of total water use, where 39% is used for productive agriculture, 11% used … In this article: UAE | Water Use | Agriculture - Irrigation - Water Efficiency
COCOON Planting Technology to Grow Trees in Palestine Published on May 2, 2017 In 2016, Fanack, Land Life Company (LLC) and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) initiated a pilot project to bring the innovative COCOON planting … In this article: Palestine | Publications - Water Use | Agriculture - Gaza - Sustainability - West Bank