In the Middle East, temperatures are soaring. Will the region remain habitable? In short, a scorching future seems unavoidable if warming is not limited quickly and drastically. Hotter summers are only the beginning. Rainfall is … Countries: Iraq - Lebanon - Saudi-Arabia - June 15, 2024
GCC’s Water Security in the Era of Climate Change: Adapting to Rising Temperatures and Scarce Resource To secure future water resources, fundamental changes are needed, including reduced water consumption, increased climate adaptation and mitigation … Countries: Bahrain - Kuwait - Oman - Qatar - Saudi-Arabia - UAE - February 27, 2024
Saudi Arabia Water Report Water in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is scarce and valuable because of the lack of natural water bodies. Climate change and population growth … Countries: Saudi-Arabia - June 28, 2021
Water Resources in KSA Surface runoff at dams is the main surface water resource in KSA. The recorded average rainfall in 2019 was 59 mm, and the surface runoff at dams was … Countries: Saudi-Arabia - June 28, 2021
Water Use in KSA Urban water use in KSA in 2019 was 3,493 MCM/yr, of which 2,897.5 MCM/yr was consumed by the domestic sector and 595.4 MCM/yr by the commercial … Countries: Saudi-Arabia - June 28, 2021
Water Quality in KSA Water quality in KSA is acceptable for drinking with respect to chemical characteristics. However, bacteriological contamination has been detected in … Countries: Saudi-Arabia - June 28, 2021
Water Infrastructure in KSA Between 1980 and 2011, 30 desalination plants were built along the coasts of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, producing the largest quantity of … Countries: Saudi-Arabia - June 28, 2021
Water Management in KSA Integrated water management in KSA is not carried out efficiently at the national and local levels, nor is there a comprehensive plan for the … Countries: Saudi-Arabia - June 28, 2021
Shared Water Resources in KSA The southern section of the Umm er Radhuma-Dammam Aquifer System spreads from the Gulf Coast in the north and the Oman Mountains in the south-east … Countries: Saudi-Arabia - June 28, 2021
What Does the Future Hold for Water in KSA? Although more than 97% of the population has access to fresh water in KSA, the water sector has several key issues. These include the absence of … Countries: Saudi-Arabia - June 28, 2021
Water Challenges in KSA Despite the fact that 99.84 % of Saudis have access to potable water,[1] KSA is classified as one of the most water-scarce nations in the world. The … Countries: Saudi-Arabia - June 20, 2021