October 10, 2024 Why Gaza is Running Out of Fresh Water Gaza’s water crisis has been steadily worsening over recent decades. The area’s only source of fresh water is the Coastal Aquifer, a groundwater basin that runs the length of the Gaza Strip and …
July 5, 2023 Water Quality in Egypt Egypt recognizes that enhancing water quality management is an essential future means of addressing the issues of water scarcity and healthy water …
May 7, 2018 Water Quality in Oman The use of agrochemicals, both fertilizers and pesticides, is a widespread and potentially serious hazard to groundwater quality where, as is the case …
Water Use and Quality in Israel Published on June 5, 2023 Studies show that by 2065, total water demand will rise to 3.8 BCM (0.8%), 4.9 BCM (1.6%) and 6.2 BCM (2%) under respective low, medium and high population … In this article: Israel | Water Quality - Water Use | Water Crisis - Water Scarcity
Water Quality in Lebanon Published on July 27, 2022 The main sources of pollution are domestic wastewater, solid waste and point source contamination from industrial, health care and tourist facilities and … In this article: Lebanon | Water Quality | Environment - Pollution
Water Quality in Jordan Published on June 2, 2022 As demand for water continues to grow and supplies shrink, water quality is likely to continue to decrease. This reality highlights the need to address water … In this article: Jordan | Water Quality | Groundwater - Wastewater - Water Scarcity
Water Quality in Sudan Published on August 31, 2021 Data on surface water quality is both scarce and old. These were mainly on the White and Blue Niles . Water characteristics are subject to the source and the … In this article: Sudan | Water Quality | Environment - Pollution
Water Resources and Quality in Iran Published on August 9, 2021 The total long-term annual renewable water resources are estimated at 120BCM, of which about 78BCM go to surface run-off, and groundwater recharge is estimated … In this article: Iran | Water Quality - Water Resources
Water Quality in Qatar Published on August 9, 2021 The salinity level of groundwater is the key concern regarding water quality in Qatar. Groundwater quality has deteriorated due to seawater intrusion and the … In this article: Qatar | Water Quality | Pollution - Salinity
Water Quality in KSA Published on June 28, 2021 Water quality in KSA is acceptable for drinking with respect to chemical characteristics. However, bacteriological contamination has been detected in several … In this article: Saudi-Arabia | Water Quality | Environment - Groundwater - Pollution
Water Quality in Kuwait Published on December 24, 2020 Many desalination plants, power plants, recreational facilities, hospitals and other urban and industrial facilities have been constructed along the coast of … In this article: Kuwait | Water Quality | Environment - Groundwater - Pollution - Wastewater
Water Quality in Libya Published on August 25, 2020 In a largely arid country like Libya, clean water is most valuable for meeting human needs and agricultural production. Contamination from seawater intrusion … In this article: Libya | Water Quality | Aquifer - Environment - Groundwater - Water Treatment Plants
Water Quality in Tunisia Published on March 4, 2020 Surface water quality varies across Tunisia, with the highest quality having salinity less than 1.5 grams per litre (g/L) and representing 72% of surface water … In this article: Tunisia | Water Quality | Environment - Sewage - Wastewater
Water Quality in Bahrain Published on January 15, 2020 Faced with groundwater quality deterioration and escalating municipal water demand, the municipal water authorities implemented a policy that in the mid-1980s … In this article: Bahrain | Water Quality | Environment - Salinity
Water Quality in Yemen Published on December 10, 2019 There are no networks monitoring surface water quality in Yemen, as far as is known. Various projects have measured surface water salinity but only at a few … In this article: Yemen | Water Quality | Environment - Pollution - Salinity
The Nile River in Egypt Published on October 2, 2019 Throughout history, the Nile River has been Egypt’s main artery of transport and communication as well as the source of its fertility and wealth. At one time, … In this article: Egypt | Publications - Water Quality - Water Resources | Ethiopia - Nile River - Pollution - Rivers - Water Crisis
Water Quality and Use in Morocco Published on September 17, 2019 Deteriorating water quality is one of the major problems facing Morocco’s water sector. Indeed, critical levels of pollution have been observed in several … In this article: Morocco | Water Quality | Agriculture - Pollution
Water Quality in Algeria Published on July 30, 2019 Socio-economic development and rapid urbanization have had a detrimental impact on the quality of water resources, and industrial and urban pollution has been … In this article: Algeria | Water Quality | Pollution - Salinity - Sewage - Wastewater
Water Quality in Syria Published on March 22, 2019 Available water quality data clearly reveal that groundwater and surface water pollution is a common phenomenon across the country. In this article: Syria | Water Quality | Environment - Euphrates - Pollution - Salinity - Tigris - Wastewater
Dialogue on Water and Waste Management in the MENA Region Published on May 14, 2018 This article provides a summary of a five-day dialogue programme of meetings, presentations, discussions and field trips entitled ‘Innovations in water and … In this article: Events - Water Quality | Wastewater
Water Quality in Oman Published on May 7, 2018 The use of agrochemicals, both fertilizers and pesticides, is a widespread and potentially serious hazard to groundwater quality where, as is the case in most … In this article: Oman | Water Quality | Environment - Salinity - Sewage - Wastewater