March 22, 2019 Water Challenges in Syria Low water productivity in agriculture is a major challenge facing water management in Syria. Net returns for crops are generally quite low. Cotton and sugar, which are planted over 221,000 ha, have …
May 7, 2018 Water Challenges in Oman Challenges in Oman’s water sector are numerous.[1] Some of the major ones are: water shortages; energy-intensive desalination; high water …
January 10, 2015 Q&A with Dr Ahmad Yaqubi If the water issue is not urgently addressed, the outlook for the future is catastrophic. Gaza’s growing population needs water and the aquifer can …
Water scarcity and conflict in the Middle East: The story of Khuzestan Published on January 11, 2018 What makes this particularly painful for that residents of Khuzestan is that the dams on the Karun are not only used for generating energy and irrigating … In this article: Iran | Publications - Shared Waters - Water Challenges | Dams - Drought - Water Crisis - Water Scarcity
Water Challenges in UAE Published on October 17, 2017 Groundwater levels in different regions of the UAE have dropped by 60 metres on average. This poses a significant challenge. In this article: UAE | Water Challenges | Climate Change - Education - Water Efficiency
Gaza’s Water Crisis Published on September 15, 2015 The water crisis in Gaza is steadily worsening for the past decade. The causes are rapid population growth; the overpumping and pollution of local groundwater … In this article: Palestine | Publications - Water Challenges | Conflict - Environment - Gaza - Water Crisis
High and Dry with the Hashemites Published on March 18, 2015 With much of its land an arid, inhospitable desert, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, one of the world’s driest countries, threatens to die of thirst. Analysts … In this article: Jordan | Blogs - Water Challenges | Policy - Refugees - Water Scarcity
Q&A with Dr Ahmad Yaqubi Published on January 10, 2015 If the water issue is not urgently addressed, the outlook for the future is catastrophic. Gaza’s growing population needs water and the aquifer can no longer … In this article: Palestine | Interviews - Water Challenges | Gaza - Water Scarcity