Water of the Middle East and North Africa

What Does the Future Hold for Water in Algeria?

water in Algeria
Photo 1: Typical Landscape of the North of Algeria, Bouira. (Source: Leonid Andronov, Adobe Stock)

Algeria faces both water quantity and quality issues, and the unequal and inequitable division and distribution of available resources between sectors is proof that the current water policy is not clear in terms of strategies or priorities.

Moreover, despite commitments to various international agreements to fight climate change and achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, per capita water availability in Algeria continues to decline. This is being exacerbated by rapid population growth, rural-to-urban migration and insufficient financial resources to meet the infrastructure modernization targets set.

Long-term strategy

The various challenges facing the water sector require a multidisciplinary approach to rationalize consumption and use. Better network management will help to limit losses during distribution, while the adoption of innovative tools and methods to increase non-conventional water resources will make more water available. Finally, the elaboration of long-term water strategies are imperative, particularly in the face of climate change and the alarming per capita water availability projections that will see Algeria fall even further below the World Bank’s water stress limit if urgent action is not taken.[3]

[1] Republique Algerienne Democratique et Populaire Ministere des Ressources en Eau, 2015. Politique Gouvernementale dans le Domaine des Ressources en Eau.